103RD CONGRESS; 1ST SESSION IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ENGROSSED SENATE AMENDMENT H. R. 3355 1993 H.R. 3355; DATE OF INTRODUCTION: NOVEMBER 20, 1993 DATE OF VERSION: DECEMBER 1, 1993 -- VERSION: 3 TEXT: * Resolved, *That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3355) entitled "An Act to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to allow grants to increase police presence, to expand and improve cooperative efforts between law enforcement agencies and members of the community to address crime and disorder problems, and otherwise to enhance public safety", do pass with the following AMENDMENT: Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: * * *SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. * * This Act may be cited as the "Violent Crime Control and Law * *Enforcement Act of 1993". * *SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. * * The following is the table of contents for this Act: * *Sec. 1. Short title. * *Sec. 2. Table of contents. * *TITLE I-PUBLIC SAFETY AND POLICING * *Sec. 101. Short title. * *Sec. 102. Findings and purposes. * *Sec. 103. Community policing; "Cops on the Beat". * *TITLE II-DEATH PENALTY * *Sec. 201. Short title. * *Sec. 202. Constitutional procedures for the imposition of the sentence * *of death. * *Sec. 203. Specific offenses for which death penalty is authorized. * *Sec. 204. Applicability to Uniform Code of Military Justice. * *Sec. 205. Death penalty for murder by a Federal prisoner. * *Sec. 206. Death penalty for civil rights murders. * *Sec. 207. Death penalty for the murder of Federal law enforcement * *officials. * *Sec. 208. New offense for the indiscriminate use of weapons to further * *drug conspiracies. * *Sec. 209. Foreign murder of United States nationals. * *Sec. 210. Death penalty for rape and child molestation murders. * *Sec. 211. Death penalty for sexual exploitation of children. * *Sec. 212. Murder by escaped prisoners. * *Sec. 213. Death penalty for gun murders during Federal crimes of * *violence and drug trafficking crimes. * *Sec. 214. Homicides and attempted homicides involving firearms in * *Federal facilities. *Sec. 215. Murder in course of alien smuggling. * *TITLE III-FIREARMS * *Subtitle A-Restraining Orders * *Sec. 301. Persons subject to restraining orders. * *Subtitle B-Licensure * *Sec. 311. Firearms licensure and registration to require a photograph * *and fingerprints. * *Sec. 312. Compliance with State and local law as a condition to license.* *Sec. 313. Action on firearms license application. * *Sec. 314. Inspection of firearms licensees' inventory and records. * *Sec. 315. Reports of theft or loss of firearms. * *Sec. 316. Responses to requests for information. * *Sec. 317. Notification of names and addresses of firearms licensees. * *TITLE IV-GUN CRIME PENALTIES * *Sec. 401. Enhanced penalty for use of a semiautomatic firearm during a * *crime of violence or a drug trafficking crime. * *Sec. 402. Enhanced penalty for second offense of using an explosive to * *commit a felony. * *Sec. 403. Smuggling firearms in aid of drug trafficking. * *Sec. 404. Theft of firearms and explosives. * *Sec. 405. Revocation of supervised release. * *Sec. 406. Revocation of probation. * *Sec. 407. Increased penalty for knowingly making false, material * *statement in connection with the acquisition of a firearm from a * *licensed dealer. * *Sec. 408. Possession of explosives by felons and others. * *Sec. 409. Summary destruction of explosives subject to forfeiture. * *Sec. 410. Elimination of outmoded language relating to parole. * *Sec. 411. Prohibition against transactions involving stolen firearms * *which have moved in interstate or foreign commerce. * *Sec. 412. Using a firearm in the commission of counterfeiting or * *forgery. * *Sec. 413. Enhanced penalties for firearms possession by violent felons * *and serious drug offenders. * *Sec. 414. Receipt of firearms by nonresident. * *Sec. 415. Firearms and explosives conspiracy. * *Sec. 416. Study of incendiary ammunition; report to Congress. * *Sec. 417. Theft of firearms or explosives from licensee. * *Sec. 418. Disposing of explosives to prohibited persons. * *Sec. 419. Clarification of "burglary" under the armed career criminal * *statute. * *Sec. 420. Increased penalty for interstate gun trafficking. * *TITLE V-OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE * *Sec. 501. Protection of court officers and jurors. * *Sec. 502. Prohibition of retaliatory killings of witnesses, victims and * *informants. * *Sec. 503. Protection of jurors and witnesses in capital cases. * *Sec. 504. Death penalty for the murder of State officials assisting * *Federal law enforcement officials. * *Sec. 505. Death penalty for murder of Federal witnesses. * *TITLE VI-GANGS, JUVENILES, DRUGS, AND PROSECUTORS * *Sec. 601. Short title. * *Subtitle A-Criminal Youth Gangs * *Sec. 611. Criminal street gangs offenses. * *Sec. 612. Crimes involving the use of minors as RICO predicates. * *Sec. 613. Serious juvenile drug offenses as Armed Career Criminal Act * *predicates. * *Sec. 614. Adult prosecution of serious juvenile offenders. * *Sec. 615. Increased penalties for employing children to distribute drugs* *near schools and playgrounds. * *Sec. 616. Increased penalties for drug trafficking near public housing. * *Sec. 617. Increased penalties for Travel Act crimes involving violence * *and conspiracy to commit contract killings. * *Sec. 618. Amendments concerning records of crimes committed by * *juveniles. * *Sec. 619. Addition of anti-gang Byrne Grant funding objective. * *Subtitle B-Gang Prosecution * *Sec. 621. Additional prosecutors. * *Sec. 622. Gang investigation coordination and information collection. * *Sec. 623. Continuation of Federal-State funding formula. * *Sec. 624. Grants for multijurisdictional drug task forces. * *Subtitle C-Grants Under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention * *Act of 1974 * *Sec. 631. Juvenile drug trafficking and gang prevention grants. * *Sec. 632. Conforming repealer and amendments. * *Sec. 633. Grants for youth development centers. * *Subtitle D-Bindover System for Certain Violent Juveniles * *Sec. 641. Bindover system. * *Subtitle E-Federal Prosecutions * *Sec. 651. Prosecution as adults of violent juvenile offenders. * *Subtitle F-Youth Handgun Safety * *Sec. 661. Findings and declarations. * *Sec. 662. Prohibition of the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, * *or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile. * *Sec. 663. Prohibition of the sale and transfer for consideration of a * *handgun or handgun ammunition to a juvenile. * *TITLE VII-TERRORISM * *Subtitle A-Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms * *Sec. 701. Offenses of violence against maritime navigation or fixed * *platforms. * *Sec. 702. Technical amendment. * *Sec. 703. Effective dates. * *Subtitle B-General Provisions * *Sec. 711. Weapons of mass destruction. * *Sec. 712. Enhanced penalties for certain offenses. * *Sec. 713. Territorial sea extending to twelve miles included in special * *maritime and territorial jurisdiction. * *Sec. 714. Assimilated crimes in extended territorial sea. * *Sec. 715. Jurisdiction over crimes against United States nationals on * *certain foreign ships. * *Sec. 716. Torture. * *Sec. 717. Extension of the statute of limitations for certain terrorism * *offenses. * *Sec. 718. FBI access to telephone subscriber information. * *Sec. 719. Violence at airports serving international civil aviation. * *Sec. 720. Preventing acts of terrorism against civilian aviation. * *Sec. 721. Counterfeiting United States currency abroad. * *Sec. 722. Economic terrorism task force. * *Sec. 723. Terrorist Death Penalty Act. * *Sec. 724. Sentencing guidelines increase for terrorist crimes. * *Sec. 725. Alien witness cooperation. * *Sec. 726. Providing material support to terrorists. * *TITLE VIII-SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND ABUSE OF CHILDREN, THE ELDERLY, AND * *INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES * *Subtitle A-Sexual Abuse * *Sec. 801. Sexual abuse amendments. * *Subtitle B-Protection of Children, the Elderly, and Individuals With * *Disabilities * *Sec. 811. Short title. * *Sec. 812. Purposes. * *Sec. 813. Definitions. * *Sec. 814. Reporting by the States. * *Sec. 815. Background checks. * *Sec. 816. Funding for improvement of child abuse crime information. * *Subtitle C-Crimes Against Children * *Sec. 821. Short title. * *Sec. 822. Establishment of program. * *Sec. 823. State compliance. * *Subtitle D-Child Pornography * *Sec. 824. Penalties for international trafficking in child pornography. * *Sec. 825. Sense of Congress concerning State legislation regarding child* *pornography. * *Subtitle E-Rules of Evidence, Practice and Procedure * *Sec. 831. Admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in sex offense * *cases. * *Subtitle F-Sexually Violent Predators * *Sec. 841. Short title. * *Sec. 842. Findings. * *Sec. 843. Definitions. * *Sec. 844. Establishment of program. * *TITLE IX-CRIME VICTIMS * *Subtitle A-Victims' Rights * *Sec. 901. Victim's right of allocution in sentencing. * *Sec. 902. Mandatory restitution and other provisions. * *Sec. 903. Sense of Congress concerning the right of a victim of a * *violent crime or sexual abuse to speak at an offender's sentencing * *hearing and any parole hearing. * *Subtitle B-Crime Victims' Fund * *Sec. 911. Amounts of funds for costs and grants. * *Sec. 912. Relationship of crime victim compensation to certain Federal * *programs. * *Sec. 913. Administrative costs for crime victim compensation. * *Sec. 914. Use of unspent 1402(d)(2) money. * *Sec. 915. Grants for demonstration projects. * *Sec. 916. Administrative costs for crime victim assistance. * *Sec. 917. Maintenance of effort. * *Subtitle C-Senior Citizens * *Sec. 921. Short title. * *Sec. 922. Findings. * *Sec. 923. Purposes. * *Sec. 924. National assessment and dissemination. * *Sec. 925. Pilot programs. * *Sec. 926. Training assistance, evaluation, and dissemination awards. * *Sec. 927. Report. * *Sec. 928. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE X-STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT * *Subtitle A-DNA Identification * *Sec. 1001. Short title. * *Sec. 1002. Funding to improve the quality and availability of DNA * *analyses for law enforcement identification purposes. * *Sec. 1003. Quality assurance and proficiency testing standards. * *Sec. 1004. Index to facilitate law enforcement exchange of DNA * *identification information. * *Sec. 1005. Federal Bureau of Investigation. * *Sec. 1006. Authorization of appropriations. * *Subtitle B-Department of Justice Community Substance Abuse Prevention * *Sec. 1011. Short title. * *Sec. 1012. Community partnerships. * *Subtitle C-Racial and Ethnic Bias Study Grants * *Sec. 1021. Study grants. * *Subtitle D-Improved Training and Technical Automation * *Sec. 1031. Improved training and technical automation. * *TITLE XI-PROVISIONS RELATING TO POLICE OFFICERS * *Subtitle A-Law Enforcement Family Support * *Sec. 1101. Law enforcement family support. * *Subtitle B-Police Pattern or Practice * *Sec. 1111. Cause of action. * *Sec. 1112. Data on use of excessive force. * *Subtitle C-Police Corps and Law Enforcement Officers Training and * *Education * *CHAPTER 1-Police Corps * *Sec. 1121. Short title. * *Sec. 1122. Purposes. * *Sec. 1123. Definitions. * *Sec. 1124. Establishment of Office of the Police Corps and Law * *Enforcement Education. * *Sec. 1125. Designation of lead agency and submission of State plan. * *Sec. 1126. Scholarship assistance. * *Sec. 1127. Selection of participants. * *Sec. 1128. Police Corps training. * *Sec. 1129. Service obligation. * *Sec. 1130. State plan requirements. * *Sec. 1131. Assistance to States and localities employing Police Corps * *officers. * *Sec. 1132. Authorization of appropriations. * *Sec. 1133. Reports to Congress. * *CHAPTER 2-Law Enforcement Scholarship Program * *Sec. 1141. Short title. * *Sec. 1142. Definitions. * *Sec. 1143. Allotment. * *Sec. 1144. Establishment of program. * *Sec. 1145. Scholarships. * *Sec. 1146. Eligibility. * *Sec. 1147. State application. * *Sec. 1148. Local application. * *Sec. 1149. Scholarship agreement. * *Sec. 1150. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XII-DRUG COURT PROGRAMS * *Sec. 1201. Coordinated administration of programs. * *Sec. 1202. Drug testing upon arrest. * *Sec. 1203. Certainty of punishment for young offenders. * *Sec. 1204. Residential substance abuse treatment for prisoners. * *TITLE XIII-PRISONS * *Subtitle A-Federal Prisons * *Sec. 1301. Prisoner's place of imprisonment. * *Sec. 1302. Prison impact assessments. * *Sec. 1303. Federal prisoner drug testing. * *Sec. 1304. Drug treatment in Federal prisons. * *Sec. 1305. Sentences to account for costs to the Government of * *imprisonment, release, and probation. * *Subtitle B-State Prisons * *Sec. 1321. Boot camps and prisons for violent drug offenders. * *Sec. 1322. National Institute of Justice study. * *Sec. 1323. Study and assessment of alcohol use and treatment. * *Sec. 1324. Notification of release of prisoners. * *Sec. 1325. Application to prisoners to which prior law applies. * *Subtitle C-Grants Under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention * *Act of 1974. * *Sec. 1331. Grants for community-based violent-juvenile facilities. * *Subtitle D-Regional Prisons and State Prisons * *Sec. 1341. Regional prisons for violent criminals and violent criminal * *aliens. * *Subtitle E-Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund. * *Sec. 1351. Purposes. * *Sec. 1352. Reduction of Federal full-time equivalent positions. * *Sec. 1353. Creation of violent crime reduction trust fund. * *Sec. 1354. Conforming reduction in discretionary spending limits. * *TITLE XIV-RURAL CRIME * *Subtitle A-Drug Trafficking in Rural Areas * *Sec. 1401. Authorizations for rural law enforcement agencies. * *Sec. 1402. Rural crime and drug enforcement task forces. * *Sec. 1403. Cross-designation of Federal officers. * *Sec. 1404. Rural drug enforcement training. * *Sec. 1405. More agents for the drug enforcement administration. * *Subtitle B-Drug Free Truck Stops and Safety Rest Areas * *Sec. 1411. Drug free truck stops and safety rest areas. * *Subtitle C-Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement * *Sec. 1421. Rural domestic violence and child abuse enforcement * *assistance. * *TITLE XV-DRUG CONTROL * *Subtitle A-Increased Penalties * *Sec. 1501. Enhancement of penalties for drug trafficking in prisons. * *Sec. 1502. Closing of loophole for illegal importation of small drug * *quantities. * *Sec. 1503. Penalties for drug dealing in public housing authority * *facilities. * *Sec. 1504. Anabolic steroids penalties. * *Sec. 1505. Increased penalties for drug-dealing in "drug-free" zones. * *Sec. 1506. Enhanced penalties for illegal drug use in Federal prisons. * *Subtitle B-Precursor Chemicals Act * *Sec. 1511. Short title. * *Sec. 1512. Definition amendments. * *Sec. 1513. Registration requirements. * *Sec. 1514. Reporting of listed chemical manufacturing. * *Sec. 1515. Reports by brokers and traders; criminal penalties. * *Sec. 1516. Exemption authority; additional penalties. * *Sec. 1517. Amendments to list I. * *Sec. 1518. Elimination of regular supplier status and creation of * *regular importer status. * *Sec. 1519. Administrative inspections and authority. * *Sec. 1520. Threshold amounts. * *Sec. 1521. Management of listed chemicals. * *Sec. 1522. Forfeiture expansion. * *Sec. 1523. Regulations and effective date. * *Subtitle C-General Provisions * *Sec. 1531. Clarification of narcotic or other dangerous drugs under * *RICO. * *Sec. 1532. Conforming amendments to recidivist penalty provisions of the* *Controlled Substances Act and the Controlled Substances Import and * *Export Act. * *Sec. 1533. Program to provide public awareness of the provision of * *Public Law 101-516 that conditions portions of a State's Federal highway* *funding on the State's enactment of legislation requiring the revocation* *of the driver's licenses of convicted drug abusers. * *Sec. 1534. Advertising. * *Sec. 1535. National drug control strategy. * *Sec. 1536. Notification of law enforcement officers of discoveries of * *controlled substances or large sums of cash in excess of $10,000 in * *weapon screening. * *Sec. 1537. Drug paraphernalia amendment. * *TITLE XVI-DRUNK DRIVING PROVISIONS * *Sec. 1601. Short title. * *Sec. 1602. State laws applied in areas of Federal jurisdiction. * *Sec. 1603. Sense of Congress concerning child custody and visitation * *rights. * *TITLE XVII-COMMISSIONS * *Subtitle A-Commission on Crime and Violence * *Sec. 1701. Establishment of Commission on Crime and Violence. * *Sec. 1702. Purpose. * *Sec. 1703. Responsibilities of the Commission. * *Subtitle B-National Commission to Study the Causes of the Demand for * *Drugs in the United States * *Sec. 1711. Short title. * *Sec. 1712. Establishment. * *Sec. 1713. Duties. * *Sec. 1714. Membership. * *Sec. 1715. Staff and support services. * *Sec. 1716. Powers of Commission. * *Sec. 1717. Reports. * *Sec. 1718. Termination. * *Subtitle C-National Commission to Support Law Enforcement * *Sec. 1721. Short title. * *Sec. 1722. Congressional findings. * *Sec. 1723. Establishment. * *Sec. 1724. Duties. * *Sec. 1725. Membership. * *Sec. 1726. Experts and consultants. * *Sec. 1727. Powers of Commission. * *Sec. 1728. Report. * *Sec. 1729. Termination. * *Sec. 1730. Repeals. * *Subtitle D-Presidential Summit on Violence * *Sec. 1731. Congressional findings. * *Sec. 1732. Presidential summit on violence * *Subtitle E-Commission on Violence in Schools * *Sec. 1741. Establishment schools. * *Sec. 1742. Purposes. * *Sec. 1743. Duties. * *Sec. 1744. Membership. * *Sec. 1745. Staff and support services. * *Sec. 1746. Powers of Commission. * *Sec. 1747. Reports. * *Sec. 1748. Termination. * *Sec. 1749. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XVIII-BAIL POSTING REPORTING * *Sec. 1801. Short title. * *Sec. 1802. Required reporting by criminal court clerks. * *TITLE XIX-MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION * *Sec. 1901. Short title. * *Sec. 1902. Motor vehicle theft prevention program. * *Sec. 1903. Altering or removing motor vehicle identification numbers. * *TITLE XX-PROTECTIONS FOR THE ELDERLY * *Sec. 2001. Missing Alzheimer's disease patient alert program. * *Sec. 2002. Crimes against the elderly. * *TITLE XXI-CONSUMER PROTECTION * *Sec. 2101. Crimes by or affecting persons engaged in the business of * *insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce. * *Sec. 2102. Consumer Protection Against Credit Card Fraud Act of 1993. * *Sec. 2103. Mail fraud. * *TITLE XXII-FINANCIAL INSTITUTION FRAUD PROSECUTIONS * *Sec. 2201. Short title. * *Sec. 2202. Federal Deposit Insurance Act amendment. * *Sec. 2203. Federal Credit Union Act amendments. * *Sec. 2204. Crime Control Act amendment. * *TITLE XXIII-SAVINGS AND LOAN PROSECUTION TASK FORCE * *Sec. 2301. Savings and loan prosecution task force. * *TITLE XXIV-SENTENCING PROVISIONS * *Sec. 2401. Imposition of sentence. * *Sec. 2402. Technical amendment to mandatory conditions of probation. * *Sec. 2403. Supervised release after imprisonment. * *Sec. 2404. Flexibility in application of mandatory minimum sentence * *provisions in certain circumstances. * *Sec. 2405. Mandatory prison terms for use, possession, or carrying of a * *firearm or destructive device during a State crime of violence or State * *drug trafficking crime. * *Sec. 2406. Murder involving firearm. * *Sec. 2407. Mandatory minimum prison sentences for those who sell illegal* *drugs to minors or who use minors in drug trafficking activities. * *Sec. 2408. Life imprisonment without release for drug felons and violent* *criminals convicted a third time. * *Sec. 2409. Direction to United States Sentencing Commission regarding * *sentencing enhancements for hate crimes. * *Sec. 2410. Confirmation of intent of Congress in enacting sections 2252 * *and 2256 of title 18, United States Code. * *TITLE XXV-SENTENCING AND MAGISTRATES AMENDMENTS * *Sec. 2501. Authorization of probation for petty offenses in certain * *cases. * *Sec. 2502. Trial by a magistrate in petty offense cases. * *TITLE XXVI-COMPUTER CRIME * *Sec. 2601. Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1993. * *TITLE XXVII-INTERNATIONAL PARENTAL KIDNAPPING * *Sec. 2701. Short title. * *Sec. 2702. Title 18 amendment. * *Sec. 2703. State court programs regarding interstate and international * *parental child abduction. * *TITLE XXVIII-SAFE SCHOOLS * *Sec. 2801. Short title. * *Sec. 2802. Safe schools. * *Sec. 2803. State leadership activities to promote safe schools program. * *TITLE XXIX-MISCELLANEOUS * *Subtitle A-Increases in Penalties * *Sec. 2901. Increased penalties for assault. * *Sec. 2902. Increased penalties for manslaughter. * *Sec. 2903. Increased penalties for civil rights violations. * *Sec. 2904. Penalties for trafficking in counterfeit goods and services. * *Sec. 2905. Increased penalty for conspiracy to commit murder for hire. * *Sec. 2906. Increased penalties for travel act violations. * *Sec. 2907. Increased penalties for arson. * *Subtitle B-Extension of Protection of Civil Rights Statutes * *Sec. 2911. Extension of protection of civil rights statutes. * *Subtitle C-Audit and Report * *Sec. 2921. Audit requirement for State and local law enforcement * *agencies receiving Federal asset forfeiture funds. * *Sec. 2922. Report to Congress on administrative and contracting * *expenses. * *Subtitle D-Gambling * *Sec. 2931. Criminal history record information for the enforcement of * *laws relating to gaming. * *Sec. 2932. Clarifying amendment regarding scope of prohibition against * *gambling on ships in international waters. * *Subtitle E-White Collar Crime Amendments * *Sec. 2941. Receiving the proceeds of extortion or kidnapping. * *Sec. 2942. Receiving the proceeds of a postal robbery. * *Sec. 2943. Conforming addition to obstruction of civil investigative * *demand statute. * *Sec. 2944. Conforming addition of predicate offenses to financial * *institutions rewards statute. * *Sec. 2945. Definition of savings and loan association in bank robbery * *statute. * *Sec. 2946. Conforming definition of "1-year period" in 18 U.S.C. 1516. * *Subtitle F-Safer Streets and Neighborhoods * *Sec. 2951. Short title. * *Sec. 2952. Limitation on grant distribution. * *Subtitle G-Other Provisions * *Sec. 2961. Optional venue for espionage and related offenses. * *Sec. 2962. Undercover operations. * *Sec. 2963. Undercover operations-churning. * *Sec. 2964. Report on battered women's syndrome. * *Sec. 2965. Wiretaps. * *Sec. 2966. Theft of major artwork. * *Sec. 2967. Balance in the criminal justice system. * *Sec. 2968. Misuse of initials "DEA". * *Sec. 2969. Addition of attempted robbery, kidnapping, smuggling, and * *property damage offenses to eliminate inconsistencies and gaps in * *coverage. * *Sec. 2970. Definition of livestock. * *Sec. 2971. Extension of statute of limitations for arson. * *Sec. 2972. Gun-free school zones. * *TITLE XXX-TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS * *Sec. 3001. Amendments relating to Federal financial assistance for law * *enforcement. * *Sec. 3002. General title 18 corrections. * *Sec. 3003. Corrections of erroneous cross references and * *misdesignations. * *Sec. 3004. Repeal of obsolete provisions in title 18. * *Sec. 3005. Correction of drafting error in the Foreign Corrupt Practices* *Act. * *Sec. 3006. Elimination of redundant penalty provision in 18 U.S.C. 1116.* *Sec. 3007. Elimination of redundant penalty. * *Sec. 3008. Corrections of misspellings and grammatical errors. * *Sec. 3009. Other technical amendments. * *Sec. 3010. Corrections of errors found during codification. * *Sec. 3011. Problems related to execution of prior amendments. * *Sec. 3012. Amendments to section 1956 of title 18 to eliminate duplicate* *predicate crimes. * *Sec. 3013. Amendments to part V of title 18. * *TITLE XXXI-DRIVER'S PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT * *Sec. 3101. Short title; purpose. * *Sec. 3102. Amendment to title 18, United States Code. * *Sec. 3103. Effective date. * *TITLE XXXII-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN; SAFE STREETS FOR WOMEN * *Sec. 3201. Violence against women; short title. * *Sec. 3202. Safe streets for women; short title. * *Subtitle A-Federal Penalties for Sex Crimes * *Sec. 3211. Repeat offenders. * *Sec. 3212. Federal penalties. * *Sec. 3213. Mandatory restitution for sex crimes. * *Sec. 3214. Authorization for Federal victim's counselors. * *Subtitle B-Law Enforcement and Prosecution Grants to Reduce Violent * *Crimes Against Women * *Sec. 3221. Grants to combat violent crimes against women. * *Subtitle C-Safety for Women in Public Transit and Public Parks * *Sec. 3231. Grants for capital improvements to prevent crime in public * *transportation. * *Sec. 3232. Grants for capital improvements to prevent crime in national * *parks. * *Sec. 3233. Grants for capital improvements to prevent crime in public * *parks. * *Subtitle D-National Commission on Violence Against Women * *Sec. 3241. Establishment. * *Sec. 3242. General purposes of Commission. * *Sec. 3243. Membership. * *Sec. 3244. Commission operations. * *Sec. 3245. Reports. * *Sec. 3246. Executive director and staff. * *Sec. 3247. Powers of Commission. * *Sec. 3248. Authorization of appropriations. * *Sec. 3249. Termination. * *Subtitle E-New Evidentiary Rules * *Sec. 3251. Sexual history in all criminal cases. * *Sec. 3252. Sexual history in civil cases. * *Sec. 3253. Amendments to rape shield law. * *Sec. 3254. Evidence of clothing. * *Subtitle F-Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault * *Sec. 3261. Education and prevention grants to reduce sexual assaults * *against women. * *Sec. 3262. Rape exam payments. * *Sec. 3263. Education and prevention grants to reduce sexual abuse of * *female runaway, homeless, and street youth. * *Sec. 3264. Victim's right of allocution in sentencing. * *TITLE XXXIII-SAFE HOMES FOR WOMEN * *Sec. 3301. Short title. * *Subtitle A-Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Amendments * *Sec. 3311. Grant for a national domestic violence hotline. * *Subtitle B-Interstate Enforcement * *Sec. 3321. Interstate enforcement. * *Subtitle C-Arrest in Spousal Abuse Cases * *Sec. 3331. Encouraging arrest policies. * *Subtitle D-Domestic Violence, Family Support, and Shelter Grants * *Sec. 3341. Domestic violence and family support grant program. * *Subtitle E-Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Amendments * *Sec. 3351. Grantee reporting. * *Subtitle F-Youth Education and Domestic Violence * *Sec. 3361. Educating youth about domestic violence. * *Subtitle G-Confidentiality for Abused Persons * *Sec. 3371. Confidentiality of abused person's address. * *Subtitle H-Technical Amendments * *Sec. 3381. Definitions. * *Sec. 3382. Special issue resource centers. * *Sec. 3383. State domestic violence coalitions. * *Subtitle I-Data and Research * *Sec. 3391. Research agenda. * *Sec. 3392. State databases. * *Sec. 3393. Number and cost of injuries. * *TITLE XXXIV-CIVIL RIGHTS * *Sec. 3401. Short title. * *Sec. 3402. Civil rights. * *Sec. 3403. Attorney's fees. * *Sec. 3404. Sense of the Senate concerning protection of the privacy of * *rape victims. * *TITLE XXXV-SAFE CAMPUSES FOR WOMEN * *Sec. 3501. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XXXVI-EQUAL JUSTICE FOR WOMEN IN THE COURTS ACT * *Sec. 3601. Short title. * *Subtitle A-Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in * *State Courts * *Sec. 3611. Grants authorized. * *Sec. 3612. Training provided by grants. * *Sec. 3613. Cooperation in developing programs in making grants under * *this title. * *Sec. 3614. Authorization of appropriations. * *Subtitle B-Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in * *Federal Courts * *Sec. 3621. Authorizations of circuit studies; education and training * *grants. * *Sec. 3622. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XXXVII-VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT IMPROVEMENTS * *Sec. 3701. Pre-trial detention in sex offense cases. * *Sec. 3702. Increased penalties for sex offenses against victims below * *the age of 16. * *Sec. 3703. Payment of cost of HIV testing. * *Sec. 3704. Extension and strengthening of restitution. * *Sec. 3705. Enforcement of restitution orders through suspension of * *Federal benefits. * *Sec. 3706. Inadmissibility of evidence to show provocation or invitation* *by victim in sex offense cases. * *Sec. 3707. National baseline study on campus sexual assault. * *Sec. 3708. Report on battered women's syndrome. * *Sec. 3709. Report on confidentiality of addresses for victims of * *domestic violence. * *Sec. 3710. Report on recordkeeping relating to domestic violence. * *Sec. 3711. Report on fair treatment in legal proceedings. * *Sec. 3712. Report on Federal rule of evidence 404. * *Sec. 3713. Supplementary grants for States adopting effective laws * *relating to sexual violence. * *TITLE XXXVIII-ENHANCED PENALTIES FOR ANTI-FRAUD ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS * *Sec. 3801. Short title. * *Subtitle A-Amendments to Criminal Law * *Sec. 3811. Health care fraud. * *Sec. 3812. Forfeitures for Federal health care offenses. * *Sec. 3813. Injunctive relief relating to Federal health care offenses. * *Sec. 3814. Racketeering activity relating to Federal health care * *offenses. * *Subtitle B-Amendments to Civil False Claims Act * *Sec. 3821. Amendments to Civil False Claims Act. * *TITLE XXXIX-SENIOR CITIZENS AGAINST MARKETING SCAMS * *Sec. 3901. Short title. * *Sec. 3902. Findings and declaration. * *Sec. 3903. Enhanced penalties for telemarketing fraud. * *Sec. 3904. Forfeiture of fraud proceeds. * *Sec. 3905. Increased penalties for fraud against older victims. * *Sec. 3906. Rewards for information leading to prosecution and * *conviction. * *Sec. 3907. Authorization of appropriations. * *Sec. 3908. Broadening application of mail fraud statute. * *Sec. 3909. Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices.* *Sec. 3910. Information network. * *TITLE XL-CHILD SAFETY * *Sec. 4001. Short title. * *Sec. 4002. Findings. * *Sec. 4003. Purpose. * *Sec. 4004. Demonstration grants for supervised visitation centers. * *Sec. 4005. Demonstration grant application. * *Sec. 4006. Evaluation of demonstration projects. * *Sec. 4007. Special grants to study the effect of supervised visitation * *on sexually abused or severely physically abused children. * *Sec. 4008. Reporting. * *Sec. 4009. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XLI-FAMILY UNITY DEMONSTRATION PROJECT * *Subtitle A-Family Unity Demonstration Project * *Sec. 4101. Short title. * *Sec. 4102. Findings and purposes. * *Sec. 4103. Definitions. * *Sec. 4104. Authorization of appropriations. * *Subtitle B-Grants to States * *Sec. 4111. Authority to make grants. * *Sec. 4112. Eligibility to receive grants. * *Sec. 4113. Report. * *Subtitle C-Family Unity Demonstration Project for Federal Prisoners * *Sec. 4121. Authority of the Attorney General. * *Sec. 4122. Requirements. * *TITLE XLII-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE * *Sec. 4201. Short title. * *Sec. 4202. Findings. * *Sec. 4203. Prohibition against disposal of firearms to, or receipt of * *firearms by, persons who have committed domestic abuse. * *TITLE XLIII-MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN * *Sec. 4301. Short title. * *Sec. 4302. Findings. * *Sec. 4303. Purpose. * *Sec. 4304. Establishment of task force. * *TITLE XLIV-PUBLIC CORRUPTION * *Sec. 4401. Short title. * *Sec. 4402. Public corruption. * *Sec. 4403. Interstate commerce. * *Sec. 4404. Narcotics-related public corruption. * *TITLE XLV-SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS * *Sec. 4501. Short title. * *Sec. 4502. Restriction on manufacture, transfer, and possession of * *certain semiautomatic assault weapons. * *Sec. 4503. Exemption for firearms lawfully possessed prior to date of * *enactment. * *Sec. 4504. Exemption for certain hunting and sporting firearms. * *Sec. 4505. Exemptions for governmental and experimental use. * *Sec. 4506. Recordkeeping requirements and related restrictions. * *Sec. 4507. Ban of large capacity ammunition feeding devices. * *Sec. 4508. Study by Attorney General. * *Sec. 4509. Effective date. * *Sec. 4510. Appendix A to section 922 of title 18. * *TITLE XLVI-RECREATIONAL HUNTING SAFETY * *Sec. 4601. Short title. * *Sec. 4602. Findings. * *Sec. 4603. Definitions. * *Sec. 4604. Obstruction of a lawful hunt. * *Sec. 4605. Civil penalties. * *Sec. 4606. Other relief. * *Sec. 4607. Relationship to State and local law and civil actions. * *Sec. 4608. Regulations. * *TITLE XLVII-CORRECTIONAL JOB TRAINING AND PLACEMENT * *Sec. 4701. Short title. * *Sec. 4702. Correctional job training and placement. * *TITLE XLVIII-POLICE PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN * *Sec. 4801. Short title. * *Sec. 4802. Findings. * *Sec. 4803. Purposes. * *Sec. 4804. Definitions. * *Sec. 4805. Grants authorized. * *Sec. 4806. Applications. * *Sec. 4807. Training and technical assistance. * *Sec. 4808. Evaluation and reports. * *Sec. 4809. Authorization of appropriations. * *TITLE XLVIX-NATIONAL COMMUNITY ECONOMIC PARETNERSHIP * *Sec. 4901. Short title. * *Subtitle A-Community Economic Partnership Investment Funds * *Sec. 4911. Purpose. * *Sec. 4912. Provision of assistance. * *Sec. 4913. Approval of applications. * *Sec. 4914. Availability of lines of credit and use. * *Sec. 4915. Limitations on use of funds. * *Sec. 4916. Program priority for special emphasis programs. * *Subtitle B-Emerging Community Development Corporations * *Sec. 4921. Community Development Corporation improvement grants. * *Sec. 4922. Emerging Community Development Corporation revolving loan * *funds. * *Subtitle C-Miscellaneous Provisions * *Sec. 4931. Definitions. * *Sec. 4932. Authorization of appropriations. * *Sec. 4933. .Prohibition. * *TITLE L-DEPORTATION OF ALIENS CONVICTED OF CRIMES * *Sec. 5001. Expansion of definition of aggravated felony. * *Sec. 5002. Deportation procedures for certain criminal aliens who are * *not permanent residents. * *Sec. 5003. Judicial deportation. * *Sec. 5004. Restricting defenses to deportation for certain criminal * *aliens. * *Sec. 5005. Enhancing penalties for failing to depart, or reentering, * *after final order of deportation. * *Sec. 5006. Miscellaneous and technical changes. * *Sec. 5007. Criminal alien tracking center. * *TITLE LI-GENERAL PROVISIONS * *Sec. 5101. Crediting of "good time". * *Sec. 5102. Prohibition on payment of Federal benefits to illegal aliens.* *Sec. 5103. Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act * *Sec. 5104. Awards of attorney's fees. * *Sec. 5105. Task force and criminal penalties relating to the * *introduction of nonindigenous species. * *Sec. 5106. Sense of the Senate regarding the role of the United Nations * *in international organized crime control. * *Sec. 5107. Task force on prison construction standardization and * *techniques. * *Sec. 5108. Report on success of Royal Hong Kong Police recruitment. * *Sec. 5109. Interstate wagering. * *Sec. 5110. Removal of alien terrorists. * *Sec. 5111. Mandatory life imprisonment of persons convicted of a third * *violent felony. * *Sec. 5112. Efficiency in law enforcement and corrections. * *Sec. 5113. Restriction on payment of benefits to individuals confined by* *court order to public institutions pursuant to verdicts of not guilty by* *reason of insanity or other mental disorder. * *Sec. 5114. Definition. * *Sec. 5115. Driving while intoxicated prosecution program. * *Sec. 5116. Parental accountability. * *Sec. 5117. Protection of recipients in counterterrorism rewards program.* *Sec. 5118. Violent crime and drug emergency areas. * *Sec. 5119. State and local cooperation with the United States * *Immigration and Naturalization Service. * *Sec. 5120. Amendments to the Department of Education Organization Act * *and the National Literacy Act of 1991. * *Sec. 5121. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis in * *correctional institutions. * *Sec. 5122. Establishment of community programs on domestic violence. * *Sec. 5123. Hate Crimes Statistics Act. * *Sec. 5124. Penalties for document fraud. * *Sec. 5125. Use of antiloitering laws to fight crime. * *Sec. 5126. Victims of child abuse programs. * *Sec. 5127. Law Day U.S.A. * *Sec. 5128. Treatment of Indian tribes under title I of the Omnibus Crime* *Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. * *Sec. 5129. Agreement to assist in locating missing children under the * *Parent Locator Service. * *Sec. 5130. Solicitation of minor to commit crime. * *Sec. 5131. Asylum. * *Sec. 5132. Federal Judiciary. * *Sec. 5133. Control and prevention of crime in Indian country. * *Sec. 5134. Civil statute of limitations for tort actions brought by the * *RTC. * *Sec. 5135. Awards of Pell Grants to prisoners prohibited. * *Sec. 5136. Transfer of certain alien criminals to Federal facilities. * *Sec. 5137. Federal assistance to ease the increased burdens on State * *court systems resulting from enactment of this Act. * *Sec. 5138. To improve Federal and State automated fingerprint systems to* *identify more criminal suspects. * *Sec. 5139. Appropriate remedies for prison overcrowding. * *Sec. 5140. Establishment of community programs on domestic violence. * *Sec. 5141. Sense of the Senate. * *Sec. 5142. Child-centered activities. * *Sec. 5143. Olympic youth development centers. * *Sec. 5144. Authority to release certain confidential information * *relating to aliens. * *Sec. 5145. Children and youth utilizing Federal land. * *Sec. 5146. Bankruptcy fraud. * *Sec. 5147. Handguns in schools. * *Sec. 5148. Sense of the Senate regarding a study on out-of-wedlock * *births. * *Sec. 5149. Congressional approval of any expansion at Lorton and * *congressional hearings on future needs. * *Sec. 5150. National Narcotics Leadership Act. * *Sec. 5151. Supreme Court marshals and police. * *Sec. 5152. Extension of full-time status of members of the United States* *Sentencing Commission. * *Sec. 5153. Sense of the Senate that able-bodied convicted felons in the * *Federal prison system work. * *Sec. 5154. First time domestic violence offender rehabilitation program.* *Sec. 5155. Asset forfeiture. * *Sec. 5156. Clarification of definition of a "Court of the United States"* *to include the District Courts for Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, * *and the Virgin Islands. * *Sec. 5157. Extradition. * *Sec. 5158. Expedited deportation for denied asylum applicants. * *Sec. 5159. Improving border controls. * *Sec. 5160. Expanded special deportation proceedings. * *Sec. 5161. Construction of INS service processing centers to detain * *criminal aliens. * *Sec. 5162. Assistant United States attorney residency. * *Sec. 5163. Gang resistance education and training projects. * *Sec. 5164. Law enforcement personnel. * *Sec. 5165. Review by the Attorney General of Federal prison capacity and* *construction and operational standards for State and local corrections * *facilities. * *Sec. 5166. Coordination of substance abuse treatment and prevention * *programs. * *Sec. 5167. Juvenile anti-drug and anti-gang grants in federally assisted* *low-income housing. * *Sec. 5168. Definitions. *